Post-MBA Goals – Will My Short-Term Plans Resonate with the Admissions Committee?


You’re probably aware that ambitious, yet realistic post-MBA goals are critical to a compelling business school application. Not only that, understanding how business school will accelerate or pivot your career path is essential to justifying the financial and time investment required to pursue an MBA.

Many clients we speak with have a general sense of their post-MBA goals (or at least what they don’t want to do) but have trouble zeroing in on post-MBA goals at the level of specificity admissions committees expect. Clients are also often concerned whether the post-MBA goals they envision will resonate with their target programs.

As such, post-MBA goals is the topic we’re covering in today’s article, specifically short-term post-MBA goals. Short-term post-MBA goals refer to the job you will seek right after graduation and perhaps an intermediate step directly thereafter.

We will be focusing on how to craft and communicate your short-term post-MBA goals in your MBA application. Of course, this is a highly personalized discussion, but there are some overarching principles that can guide your thinking.

When it comes to the role you will target directly after business school, the admissions committee is looking for it to check three boxes:

#1 – It is something employers hire for out of their program.

Note that we’re not suggesting you have to say you will target the same five or so career paths that every other MBA is looking to pursue (consulting, tech product management, private equity / venture capital, etc.). We’re not even saying your short-term post-MBA goals must be something companies recruit for ‘on campus’ as opposed to something that will require a little leg work on your part.

Instead, we’re suggesting that you convey a realistic understanding of the seniority level at which a company may recruit a new MBA and whether your targeted industry / function is somewhere the program has placed graduates in the past. Specificity is important here, even going so far as to spell out the position you will target (i.e., Associate Marketing Manager) and a few companies you would be excited to work for.

#2 – Your background makes it realistic that employers will consider you for this position.

Some post-MBA career paths are more restrictive than others when it comes to the specific skills recruiters expect you to have. For example, in our experience, investment banks are open to people from a wide variety of pre-MBA fields so long as the person is willing to work hard and can demonstrate aptitude in the interviews.

On the other hand, breaking into product management at a large technology company can be difficult without prior technical work experience and/or an engineering degree. We’re not saying it can’t be done and would never discourage someone from trying for the role of their dreams. That said, the admissions committees at top MBA programs may be weary of someone who doesn’t at least acknowledge that they are fighting an uphill battle and perhaps present a more realistic ‘Plan B’.

Like it or not, top MBA programs are laser focused on their employment statistics relative to peer schools. The current economic climate, with some of the largest tech employers announcing layoffs, may only heighten schools’ focus on employability. As such, MBA programs will continue to focus on accepting people with realistic post-MBA plans.

#3 – Your short-term post-MBA goals are a logical steppingstone to your long-term goals.

Long-term post-MBA goals will be the focus of an upcoming article, but we’ll briefly touch on them here, as they are inherently intertwined with your near-term plans.

It’s ok for long-term career goals – where you dream of being 10-15 years down the road – to be less of a sure bet than your target post-MBA role. In fact, they should be both aspirational and inspirational, tying into your core values and passions.

But, while it’s great to dream big, you also need to have a vision of how to get there and this is where your short-term goals come in. The role you target out of business school should set you on the path towards your long-term goal, building the skills you will need for success in your dream career.

A Few Examples…

To help put theory into practice, here are a few strong examples of post-MBA goals from past clients:

“My short-term goal is to join the financial institutions or technology group of a leading investment bank, which will provide the valuation and due diligence skills required of a well-rounded investor and enable my long-term goal of investing in growth-stage FinTech companies that foster progress in financial education and decision-making.”

“A post-MBA role in strategy consulting will build upon my deep experience in the education industry and allow me to put the skills gained at [X school] into practice across a wide variety of business challenges, setting me up for success as the founder of an educational technology company.”

Look for an upcoming article on crafting compelling long-term goals! In the meantime, if you would like personalized advice on your post-MBA plans, reach out to request a free 30-minute consultation.

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