My Stanford GSB Interview Experience: Questions To Expect and How To Prepare

Stanford GSB campus lit up at night

Receiving a Stanford GSB interview invitation can bring up a range of emotions. At first, you’re ecstatic. After all, you’ve been on edge ever since you submitted your application. The rolling nature of Stanford’s interview invites had left you checking your email constantly. But the excitement can quickly turn to worry. There’s so much riding on this last step in the application process and you don’t want to mess it up.

As MBA admissions consultants, we get it. After all, we were in your shoes once. But after coaching over 1,000 MBA applicants over the years, we have found that MBA interview success comes down to 2 things:

  1. Knowing what to expect
  2. Preparing meticulously

To help you with both of these success drivers, we asked a recent Stanford GSB admit to share his interview experience and questions. In this article, we’ll walk you through his personal experience preparing for the Stanford GSB interview, including how he handled the logistics, tackled behavioral questions, and connected with an alumni interviewer.

My Stanford GSB Interview Invitation

On a cool Monday evening in early October, I jogged over to check the time on my phone after an intense game of pickleball. As I took a sip of water and scrolled through my notifications, an email headline caught my eye: “Invitation to Interview” from the Stanford MBA Admissions Interview Team. My heart raced with excitement and nerves.

Seeing “Invitation to Interview” from Stanford GSB felt like a major achievement. Stanford’s acceptance rate hovers around 6-7%, making the interview invite a significant milestone. However, I knew that the journey wasn’t over yet. With Stanford GSB interviewing 2-3 applicants for every seat, the Stanford MBA interview is designed to narrow the pool further, increasing the odds to about 33-50%. While my chances improved, I had to prepare thoroughly to clear the next big hurdle: the interview itself.

Navigating the Interview Logistics

After the initial excitement of receiving the invitation, reality set in. Stanford is structured in its approach to interviews, and the timeline moved quickly after receiving the invite.

  1. Confirming Availability and Location: Shortly after the email, Stanford asked me to confirm my general availability and location for the coming weeks.
  2. Matching with an Alumni Interviewer: Stanford GSB pairs applicants with alumni based on their background, and in my case, my interviewer had attended the same undergraduate university as I did. This made the process feel more comfortable and personal.
  3. Scheduling the Interview: Stanford interviews are typically scheduled within 7-10 days of the invitation. I had 8 days to prepare after confirming the date and uploading my video conferencing information to the Stanford portal.

How I Prepared for Stanford GSB Interview Questions 

The Stanford GSB interview is known for focusing on behavioral questions. Alumni interviewers are only given access to the most recent resume you’ve provided—none of the other parts of your application are shared with them. So, I knew my preparation had to focus on what I could directly speak to from my experience.

Here’s how I prepared for the Stanford MBA interview questions:

  1. Practicing Behavioral Questions: I practiced answering key behavioral questions, knowing that the Stanford GSB interview questions would dive deep into my leadership and problem-solving experiences. Some of the questions I prepared for included:
    • “Tell me about a project where you made the biggest impact.”
    • “Describe a time when you led a team.”
    • “How did you handle conflict in a challenging situation?”
    • These open-ended questions gave me room to share my story, but I also anticipated follow-up questions like “Why did you choose that approach?” and “What did you learn from the experience?”
  2. Mock Interviews: To simulate the real interview environment, I scheduled a mock interview with my MBA coach. This helped me refine my answers and feel more comfortable during the actual interview.
  3. Reviewing Key Experiences: Since my interviewer would only have my resume, I spent time reviewing the most important projects and leadership roles from my work experience. I made sure I could speak about them in-depth, including the specific actions I took and the outcomes of those actions.

My Stanford GSB Interview Day Experience

On the day of my Stanford MBA interview, I made sure to treat it with the same level of professionalism as an in-person interview, even though it was conducted virtually. I put on a suit, checked my lighting, and ensured my internet connection was stable.

When my interviewer logged in, we spent a minute or two on small talk before diving into the questions. The first question he asked was, “Tell me about a project where you had the most impact.” I was ready for this one, so I shared an example of a cross-functional project I led at work, explaining the key steps I took to drive success and the outcomes.

Over the course of the interview, which lasted about 45-60 minutes, I was asked several Stanford GSB interview questions, most of which focused on leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving. Here are a few examples:

  • “Describe a time when you mentored someone junior.”
  • “How did you resolve a conflict within your team?”
  • “Why do you want to pursue an MBA, and why Stanford?”

The questions were open-ended, which allowed me to elaborate on my experiences. My interviewer often followed up with questions that pushed me to explain my decision-making process and the lessons I learned. It became clear that Stanford GSB values not just what you’ve accomplished, but how you approach challenges and lead others.

Answering the Key Questions: Why MBA and Why Stanford?

One of the most important parts of the Stanford MBA interview is answering the “Why MBA?” and “Why Stanford?” questions. I had already put a lot of thought into my Why Stanford? essay, so I used that as a foundation for my response in the interview.

  • Why MBA? I explained how an MBA would help me develop the skills I needed to transition into a leadership role in my industry.
  • Why Stanford? I emphasized the unique aspects of Stanford’s program, including its culture of innovation, strong leadership development, and focus on personal impact. I also highlighted how Stanford’s values aligned with my personal and professional goals.

Asking My Alumni Interviewer Questions

At the end of the interview, my interviewer gave me the opportunity to ask questions. This is an important part of the process, as it not only allows you to learn more about Stanford GSB, but also shows your genuine interest in the program.

Here are the questions I asked my interviewer:

  • “What was the most valuable part of your Stanford GSB experience?”
  • “How did Stanford help shape your career post-MBA?”
  • “What advice would you give to someone entering the Stanford GSB community?” 

These questions led to a thoughtful conversation, and I gained valuable insights into the Stanford MBA experience from someone who had been through the program themselves.

Key Takeaways for Your Stanford GSB Interview

Now that you’ve gotten a peak into an actual applicant’s interview experience, here are the key takeaways you can apply to your interview preparation process:

  1. Demonstrate Self-Awareness in Answering Behavioral Questions: The Stanford GSB interview questions are designed to dig into your leadership, problem-solving, and teamwork skills. But good answers don’t only recap the steps you took. They highlight why you decided on one path over another, how you grew from a setback, or what vision / insight was driving you. Then, prepare for follow-ups that push you to explain your thought process.
  2. Know Your Resume: Since your interviewer only has access to your resume, make sure you can discuss your recent projects and leadership roles in-depth. Be ready to explain why you made certain decisions and what you learned from your experiences.
  3. Be Prepared for the Why MBA and Why Stanford Questions: Be clear about why you want to pursue an MBA and why Stanford GSB is the right fit for you. These questions are crucial for demonstrating your alignment with Stanford’s values.

Final Thoughts on Preparing for the Stanford GSB Interview 

The Stanford GSB interview is challenging. It requires thorough preparation, especially for the behavioral questions that assess your leadership and decision-making skills. By focusing on your genuine experiences, practicing your responses, and preparing thoughtful questions for your interviewer, you can showcase your strengths and make a lasting impression.

If you’re getting ready for your own Stanford MBA interview, stay calm, be yourself, and approach the process with confidence. Good luck! And if you’d like a preparation partner and coach, the Stanford GSB experts on our team can help. Simply schedule a consultation by clicking the button below.

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