Author: Katie McQuarrie

How To Write Sloan’s Pre-Interview Essays

If you submitted a Round 1 application to MIT Sloan’s MBA program – or perhaps you are planning to apply in Round 2 – you may have been surprised as to how little you were required to write. While many of Sloan’s peer programs require several 400- to 500-word essays, Sloan’s only written requirement is a...

Three Tips for Writing Compelling MBA Essays

If you’re applying to business school in Round 2, you probably know that writing compelling MBA essays is the foundation of a successful application. In fact, in our experience, writing compelling MBA essays has become increasingly important to admissions success. There are a lot of candidates out there who are qualified on paper and can gather...

Ever Think of Starting a Business? An Interview with Vantage Point MBA’s Co-Founder      

If you've ever thought about starting a business (maybe that is even why you are applying to business school!) or simply enjoy reading about people who've taken that leap, we'd love for you to check out Vantage Point MBA Co-Founder Melody Jones's recent interview with digital magazine, GoSolo. As she shares, Melody and her Co-Founder (and best...

MBA Interview Prep 101: Common Questions, Preparation Techniques, School Specific Insights and More

Relieved that you’ve clicked submit on your Round 1 MBA applications? Congratulations! We know the hard work and late nights that go into crafting those essays and filling in seemingly endless application questions. After you’ve taken a moment to breathe, you may be turning your attention to the next step in the process, MBA interview prep....

Tuck Essay Questions & Tips

With just over a week until the Round 1 deadline, many MBA hopefuls are likely hard at work on their Tuck essay questions. The Tuck essay questions are not ones to rush through – demonstrating a nuanced understanding of the Tuck program is key to successfully selling yourself to the school. In fact, Tuck devotes an entire...

INSEAD Essay Questions & Tips

If you are applying to INSEAD and have begun work on the INSEAD essay questions, you’ve likely discovered that there are A LOT of them and each one allows for a fairly robust word count. Be sure to plan for the time commitment involved in applying to this program! There are also video interview questions to...