Career Advice

Unemployed (or Have an Employment Gap) and Applying to Business School? Here’s What to Do

As an MBA admissions consultant, a concern I sometimes work through with clients is how to address an employment gap in their MBA application. Given the upheaval of the past year, even more prospective MBA candidates than usual have faced job changes or periods of unemployment. They fear the admissions committees at top MBA programs will...

Our Challenge to YOU: Be the Change

The events of the last few weeks, let alone the last few months, have left me feeling, well, a lot:  anger, sadness, disappointment, discomfort, and yet hope for a better tomorrow. But I know that is nothing compared to what our black friends, neighbors, colleagues, and fellow citizens are, and have been, feeling in this country....

Be The Mosquito!

“If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito.” – Betty Reese In the current environment, as the days slowly tick by and an underlying sense of fear seems unavoidable, it is easy to feel helpless and yearn for the recent past when things were ‘normal’. I know I...

Starting Your Start-Up: Do You Need an MBA?

If you’re smart, motivated and have a good idea, then what value will an MBA really bring to you? Everyone knows that any good start-up requires a lot of trial-and-error, learning-by-doing, and sometimes learning-through-failure to actually get to the right place. Though you can't necessarily get this from an MBA, MBA programs do provide some fast-track learning...