Application Advice

Stellar Tuck MBA essays will help you earn your place here.

How to Ensure Your Tuck MBA Essays Are Stellar

If you thrive in tightknit communities and value experiential learning, particularly in an international locale, Dartmouth Tuck might be the perfect fit for your MBA journey. Speaking of ‘fit’, this concept should be central to your Tuck MBA essays to ensure their content resonates with the Tuck admissions committee. So, what exactly entails ‘fit’ with Tuck? Fortunately,...

Great Kellogg essays will earn you a spot on this beautiful campus.

How to Approach the New (!) Kellogg Essays

If you’re applying to Kellogg and have been patiently waiting for them to release their essay questions, the time has come! The prompts have been reworked this year, after a number of application cycles without changes. Without further ado, here are the prompts for this year’s Kellogg essays: Kellogg Leaders are primed to tackle today’s pressing concerns...

The best mba programs for healthcare can launch your career in this growing sector.

The Best MBA Programs for Healthcare

  If you’re interested in pursuing a post-MBA career in healthcare, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’re sharing the healthcare-focused resources offered by the top US MBA programs. Whether you aim to work for a healthcare or pharmaceutical company, invest in the healthcare space or pursue countless other tangential careers, these programs will...

Columbia Business School means New York is home.

Columbia Business School – What’s New (a Lot!) and How to Wow the Adcom with Your Essays

  Several key things have changed this year when it comes to the Columbia Business School application. First, they’ve done away with rolling admissions for their fall cohort as well as the option to apply early decision. There will now be rounds that mirror most peer schools. Having seen clients stress about when to hit submit in a...

Reviewing MBA Letter of Recommendation Questions

MBA Letter of Recommendation Questions and a HBS Letter of Recommendation Sample

  Letters of recommendation play a vital role in MBA applications. These letters, crafted by trusted individuals who have witnessed the applicant's journey, validate what applicants assert about themselves and provide additional context about their accomplishments, character, and potential. When we first speak with clients about this component of the application, they are often unclear what the...