Application Advice

Visiting campus is an important part of MBA networking.

Do Business Schools Care if You Visit? Demystifying MBA Networking

What is MBA networking and why exactly is it important are questions we’re frequently asked by our MBA admissions consulting clients. In an already subjective and sometimes vague process, “networking” can seem particularly abstract or worse, can simply be another “thing” on your long MBA application to-do list. While there’s no hard deliverable attached to networking, we...

What is a deferred mba program is a great question to ask if you are a college senior.

What is a Deferred MBA Program and Should I Apply?

    In recent years, we’ve seen significant growth in deferred MBA programs at the top business schools. A trend that started primarily with the HBS 2+2 program and Stanford Deferred Enrollment has now come to Wharton, Chicago Booth, Columbia, MIT Sloan, Kellogg, and more. The list of deferred admission (or enrollment) MBA programs continues to grow every year. So, what is a...