Application Advice

Harvard Business School vs. Stanford GSB

With Round 2 deadlines approaching in less than one month (!!), we’re in peak essay iteration mode with many of our clients. For those who are applying to both Harvard Business School and Stanford GSB, the question often arises of what makes these two world-class, uber competitive institutions different from one another. What ‘type’ of applicant...

Post-MBA Goals – Will My Short-Term Plans Resonate with the Admissions Committee?

You’re probably aware that ambitious, yet realistic post-MBA goals are critical to a compelling business school application. Not only that, understanding how business school will accelerate or pivot your career path is essential to justifying the financial and time investment required to pursue an MBA. Many clients we speak with have a general sense of their post-MBA...

Three Tips for Writing Compelling MBA Essays

If you’re applying to business school in Round 2, you probably know that writing compelling MBA essays is the foundation of a successful application. In fact, in our experience, writing compelling MBA essays has become increasingly important to admissions success. There are a lot of candidates out there who are qualified on paper and can gather...

Tuck Essay Questions & Tips

With just over a week until the Round 1 deadline, many MBA hopefuls are likely hard at work on their Tuck essay questions. The Tuck essay questions are not ones to rush through – demonstrating a nuanced understanding of the Tuck program is key to successfully selling yourself to the school. In fact, Tuck devotes an entire...

INSEAD Essay Questions & Tips

If you are applying to INSEAD and have begun work on the INSEAD essay questions, you’ve likely discovered that there are A LOT of them and each one allows for a fairly robust word count. Be sure to plan for the time commitment involved in applying to this program! There are also video interview questions to...

Chicago Booth Essay Questions & Tips

Are you applying to Chicago Booth? If so, read on for the Chicago Booth essay questions and tips to ensure your answers stand out from the pack. We’re also sharing ideas for how to structure your Chicago Booth essay responses based on what we’ve seen be successful in the past. Our overarching piece of advice for a...

MIT Sloan Essay Questions & Tips

If you’re applying to MIT Sloan’s MBA program, you’ve likely given thought to what you want to express in the required 300-word Cover Letter (or, ideally, have already started working on it). Perhaps the trickiest thing about the unique MIT Sloan essay is the word limit, which is incredibly short and forces you to have a...