MBA Admissions

Don’t Quit Your Day Job!

MBA applications take up a TON of time!! From studying for the GMAT to visiting schools, writing essays, prepping recommenders and interview prep, we estimate that the average applicant spends around 150 hours to 250 hours applying to b-school depending upon the number of schools you’re focused on. That’s a pretty serious part-time gig in addition...

Pursuing an MBA in Order to Change the World? We’ll Coach You For Free!

Business leaders can have an enormous impact on enhancing communities and the world through finding creative solutions to some of society’s most pressing challenges. For example, Coca-Cola’s robust supply chain has brought much-needed medications to rural areas in developing countries, and Google supplies innovative educational technology to school systems in need around the country. What will...

Can you Negotiate with a Top Business School?

The short answer is “it never hurts to ask”. Over the years, many of our clients have gotten the amazing news that they have been selected for a scholarship from at least one of their desired MBA programs. Sometimes, however, the money comes from a second or third choice instead of that coveted first choice school....