How to Prepare for MBA Interviews – Expecting the Unexpected

 Preparing for MBA interviews may seem straightforward at first. You might think that outlining and practicing your answers to standard MBA interview questions is enough to succeed, right? Hopefully so, but not always.

Why Preparing for MBA Interviews Is Not as Straightforward as it Seems

Interviews with admissions committees may show some consistency between candidates, but this is not guaranteed—especially at places like HBS, where interviews are highly personalized. This is even less true if you’re interviewing with an alum or current student. They often have the freedom to ask whatever they like, as long as they evaluate you based on the school’s criteria afterward.

So, how do you prepare for MBA interviews, including questions you never expected? You can’t prepare for everything, which is why interviews are a great way to assess your candidacy. Strong leaders excel because they can think on their feet and respond to unexpected challenges. Handling an unforeseen interview question well is one way to demonstrate your leadership potential. Mastering your MBA interview requires thoughtful preparation, and these tips will help you get ready.

However, keep in mind that your interviewer isn’t looking to trip you up-most of the time, they simply want to understand how you think and respond. They may phrase a question differently or ask for an example you’ve already used in a previous answer.

While you can’t prepare for every question, it’s essential to do what you can. Focus on the most common MBA interview questions like your resume walkthrough and post-MBA goals. However, it’s also useful to review a list of less common questions and think about how you’d answer them. Even 30 seconds of thought can help you respond better than improvising on the spot. Here are three common MBA interview pitfalls to avoid.

Unexpected MBA Interview Questions to Practice

With that in mind, here is a list of surprising MBA interview questions compiled from past clients and sources like ClearAdmit to help as you prepare for your MBA interviews:

  • What are some challenges you would face in your MBA?
  • Who are your firm’s biggest competitors and what is its competitive advantage?
  • What do you not like about your current company?
  • What’s your plan B if you can’t get the role you want after graduation?
  • What if, in five years, your target industry doesn’t end up as you expect it will. What will you do, and will that change your plans?
  • What are the three attributes a good team needs?
  • Tell me about a time you showed resilience.
  • What does equality and diversity in the workplace mean to you? (Note: we’re finding that nearly every program now includes a diversity-related question in its interview. Be prepared!)
  • Share your proudest accomplishment, either personal or professional.
  • What are the top three factors that led to your success?
  • What would you like your legacy to be at [X school]?
  • What is trust and how important is trust in our society?
  • Please tell me about three failures you have had.
  • If you could change one thing about your current company, what would it be?
  • Do you read for fun? What was the last book you read?
  • What was the most interesting conversation you’ve had recently?
  • What other schools did you apply to and why?

Another Type of MBA Interview Question to Consider

This list is just a starting point. Another area to focus on as you prepare for MBA interviews is school-specific principles or values. For instance, Fuqua might ask about “DQ” or the “decency quotient,” Haas may question how you’ve demonstrated its four leadership principles, and Tuck could assess whether you exhibit its four key characteristics. These programs expect familiarity with these concepts if you’ve done your research. Check out our detailed advice on preparing for school specific questions.

Final Thoughts and What to Do if You Get Stumped

At the end of the day, don’t stress if you get stumped. You’re human, and your interviewer knows that—they’ve likely been in your shoes! It’s perfectly okay to pause and gather your thoughts, even if it leads to a longer silence. In the worst-case scenario, if you give a jumbled answer, you can always clarify in your thank-you note with more cohesive thoughts (briefly, of course).

Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help preparing for MBA interviews or any other part of your MBA admissions journey.

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